My Full Portfolio

Welcome to my portfolio. This collection features a curated selection of my finest work, highlighting my artistic journey and professional accomplishments. I invite you to explore the passion that drives my art.

Click on any painting for a larger image and more information on the work

Extended Portfolio

  • Basketball / Sports Art

    Art inspired by the game I love. See all the different ways I have tried to tackle painting sport.

  • Portraits

    A look at all the portraits I have painted through the years.

  • Landscape & Botanics

    Always done from life. Observations of the natural world and human landscapes.

  • Figure Drawings

    Studies of the human figure, both drawn and painted.

  • Murals

    Large scale graffiti and commissioned murals.

  • Drawings and Watercolors

    Smaller scale work from sketches, to serious drawings and quick watercolor paintings.

  • Comissions

    A gallery of all the commissions I have done and instructions on how to request a commissioned art piece.